An Online Repository of Art Junk
& an Internet Corner Store


A Bay Area Online Corner Store, and Art Repository in the Making!
I have always dreamed of owning my own online shop and independent publishing press whether art was at the forefront of my mind or had taken a backseat while I drove a different mental vehicle of inspiration and aims. I've been interested in art and creativity since I was a small person, and as a continuing artist and student now, I am always on the lookout for new skills and new perspectives to further develop my artwork. I love to learn, and make mistakes during the process.
The Junk Drawer Press is filled with all the whims, and minute by minute obsessions that my ADHD riddled brain gets hung up on and then tossed into the junk drawer for later (from earrings, and ceramics to office supplies, clothing, pins, prints, stickers and so much more).
Through the Junk Drawer Press, I hope to create an accessible space to welcome fellow creatives in exploring the world with me through artwork and literature, and perhaps to inspire folks to take home a souvenir with them along the way! <3